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The stilt house museum at Lake Ledro

In the fall of 1929, due to the construction of the Riva del Garda hydropower plant, the water level on the southern bank of Lake Ledro was lowered. It revealed many piles that stuck out of the water.

In the beginning, archaeologists thought these were the remains of an ancient dam designed to control the lake's water level. After more thorough studies, however, it turned out that the lowered water level uncovered the remains of the most significant prehistoric pile dwellings settlement in the Alpine region, dating back to the Bronze Age.

The pile dwelling museum at Lake Ledro was a theme exhibition area of the Natural Science Museum in the 1970s. Discoveries such as 4,000-year-old tools and everyday objects of the nearby archaeological site are displayed. Since 2006, the museum also has educational facilities, such as a small pile dwellings settlement next to the museum. The three huts were built on a wooden platform in the stream bed of the Ponale, following the example of other stilt houses in the Alpine region.

Over the years, numerous items relating to the life of old communities were found in Lake Ledro and at the nearby archaeological site. Thanks to the three replicated huts, visitors to the museum can gain a good insight into life in the Bronze Age pile dwelling settlement. You can see the work and living rooms, find out what tools they used, how they cooked and how prehistoric life looked on Lake Ledro.

The stilt house museum offers a comprehensive programme of didactic activities, especially for schools. In addition to individual project rooms, there are archaeological laboratories, guided tours with archery, exciting concerts and events.

Stilt house museum at Lake Ledro

Lungolago Straße 1 - 38060 Molina di Ledro (TN)
Tel. +39 0464 508182

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