Make a non-binding request
Direct booking & saving money
Booking portals are useful and getting more and more popular as they help to save money and to have a good overview. However, big international booking websites have a great disadvantage: they require up to 30 % of commission your host must pay.
Our holiday portal, in fact, allows you to contact the hosts directly, without any costs for the traveller and the host. Use our enquiry for a non-binding request or contact the desired hotel via telephone. In each case, your enquiry directly goes to the host and can be answered quickly and correctly.
The amount you will pay for your holiday goes 100 % to the accommodation and thereby also to Lake Garda holiday region. Only this way, infrastructures can be expanded and quality will be improved.
The most important questions:
- Why should I make a direct booking?
With a direct booking via, neither the host nor the traveller must pay any commissions. This way, the money can be invested in the accommodation, which in turn is a benefit for the guests.
If you make a direct booking, the host also has the possibility to advise you better and to elaborate an offer suitable to your personal needs. Guests that do not fit in the accommodation (e.g.: party travellers) are this way not accepted and cannot disturb you during your well-deserved holiday. - Do big booking portals have better prices?
No, on our portal and directly at the hosts, you will get attractive top offers that cannot be booked on international portals.
- Rooms available or not?
Especially during the main season, it is difficult to book available rooms or the wished room type on the international booking websites. If you book/make an enquiry directly on our portal or in the hotel, you will get current information about the availability, avoiding unpleasant surprises later on.
- Does a booking via include hidden costs?
On our holiday portal, bookings and enquiries have NO COST, neither for the guests nor for the accommodation!
- What is the difference between and other big booking websites?
We love Lake Garda holiday region and would therefore like to promote the sustainable development of tourism. As a small portal, we have direct contact with the hosts and have the possibility to realises wishes and suggestions more quickly. Help us to support Lake Garda holiday paradise by booking on our portal or directly at the hotel. Only this way, your money will go 100 % to Lake Garda holiday region, which is always engaging in improving its infrastructures and services.