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La Brasadèla - Dessert from the Veneto

The Brasadèla is a traditional Venetian dessert prepared especially during the Easter period. The sweet temptation is a delicious doughnut, which is offered in different variants and is extremely popular.


  • 500g flour
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 150 g of olive oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 sachet or packet of yeast
  • 1 shot glass of schnapps
  • About half a glass of water
  • Salt
  • Butter and flour for the mould


Sift the flour and pour it on the worktop. Add sugar, oil, eggs, yeast, schnapps, water and salt, mix well and knead.

Allow the dough to rest while brushing a cake pan with butter and flour. Evenly distribute the batter in the cake pan and sprinkle the surface with sugar. Put everything in the preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes at 180 ° C. Then remove and let cool. Slice and serve.

Suitable accommodations
Il SOGNO al Lago di Garda  |  Torri del Benaco
Luxury Apartment