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Strada del Ponale: panoramic road for cyclists

A road leading to the Ledro Valley can drive motorists to sheer despair. With one tight turn after the other, the road snakes steeply up the hill, poorly protected by crash barriers.

The spectacular view of Lake Garda can't be appreciated at such a dizzying height and with such little protection. But those who decide halfway and want to turn around have to realise that it's too tight to turn around and go back. There is no turning back on the Strada del Ponale.

Over the years, the scenic road that was constructed in 1851 by blowing up the rock into the mountain to create a wider path was closed due to a series of mudslides. A new route to the Ledro Valley has since been opened. The original road suffered from regular landslides, so a separate road tunnel was built in 1998. The Strada del Ponale from Riva to Pieve di Ledro has been restored, with modern tunnels expanded. In autumn 2004, the track was finally reopened for cyclists and hikers. The Strada del Ponale is one of the most beautiful historical panoramic routes in Europe today.

In the valley are many attractions, such as the Ledro Lake at Moline di Ledro, the stilt museum with a prehistoric stilt house settlement, and the precious Picco Rosso. The delicious liqueur from raspberries and strawberries tastes best ice-cold with ice cream or desserts. It was invented in 1940 by pharmacist Achille Foletto to lighten the mood of the fighting Italians.

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