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Rowing competition Palio delle Contrade

On August 15th, the Italian holiday Ferragosto, the whole country comes to a standstill and goes to the beach. In the Southeast of Lake Garda on this day, a traditional competition takes place every year, in which the different quarters of Garda city compete against each other.

Ferragosto in Garda coincides with the holiday of the Madonna Assunta, the patron saint of the city. In her honour, the participants from the different districts show off their skills in an evening rowing race called Palio delle Contrade. The traditional festival, which goes back to the Venetians, is organised extensively by the association Bissa la Rocca di Garda in collaboration with the municipality of Garda.

For the race, they have four rowers in the same traditional boats used in the past for transport and fishing. Every year, in front of the evocative backdrop of the dark lake, the participants stage the traditional competition between the neighbourhoods, reviving history over and over again.

The winning neighbourhood is highly honoured and the victorious district is allowed to keep the statue of Madonna Assunta until the next race. Finally, there's a big fireworks display. Visitors can also expect an interesting supporting programme at the Palio delle Contrade.

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Il SOGNO al Lago di Garda  |  Torri del Benaco
Luxury Apartment