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Diving schools at Lake Garda

There are many dive centres offering courses, guided dives and night dives around the lake, even ice diving in winter.

Divers in Lake Garda and their safety have the highest priority. They must indicate their presence by a red and white dive flag, buoy or by dive escorts.

Selected addresses

Ambiente Acqua, a dive shop in Arco, shines with a highly qualified instructor team that offers a variety of courses at different levels, from scuba diving to technical training. The classes start with exercises in the four-metre deep swimming pool, followed by guided open water dives in Lake Garda. At the end of the course, a diving certificate is issued. On guided dives, you will meet a breathtaking underwater world and create unique and unforgettable diving experiences.

The Tritone Sub in Desenzano del Garda also offers a wide range of courses and dives. In the pools of Desenzano and Brescia, they will teach you the basics, which you can then put into practice in the open water.

The courses are divided into sessions of first, second and third levels and differ in the permitted depth. The first-level sessions focus on fundamental technical and theoretical aspects, and divers reach a maximum depth of up to 18 metres. The second-level refines and completes the practical and theoretical knowledge with dives allowed up to 30 metres in depth. In the third level, you experience fantastic and unforgettable moments 42 metres deep. Each completed course will be rewarded with an international certificate.

In addition to the dive courses, Tritone Sub in Desenzano del Garda offers exceptional classes such as photography and underwater video lessons, night diving and wreck diving. Even children can participate in diving activities. After careful study of the "world of the child" and its peculiarities, The Mini-Sub lessons emphasise the particular importance to physical training and encourages spontaneity and trust in the water.

Leonessa Diving in Tremosine offers as many guided dives and courses for beginners as they do for experienced and technical divers. In the Bubblemaker course, children from eight to ten years, first dive in the two-metre-deep pool. In the Discover Scuba course, Scuba divers aged 10 up, try underwater breathing and diving equipment in shallow water. In 28 different individual courses you can learn and expand specific types and techniques of diving. There is special equipment available for this purpose.

At the Arco Sub in Arco, professionalism, safety, quality and, above all, fun come first. Trained and certified instructors and dive guides bring you closer to the world of diving in a variety of courses, from basic to specialised. With the equipment provided, you can prove your diving skills and acquire any kind of diving license. In the Discover Scuba Diving Course, you practice basic safety in the pool or in the calm, shallow lake and then, under direct supervision, you can explore the depths of Lake Garda.

The diving centre Sottoquota Diving Club in Manerba is located near the most exciting dive sites of Lake Garda. They have a comfortable boat that takes as many as twelve divers to the most beautiful sites in just five minutes. After a brief introduction to the basic techniques, it's off to the lake. Accompanied by experienced guides, you can explore the varied underwater world of Lake Garda during the day or at night. Experienced divers will find their thrill in the depths of the lake between rocks, crevices and caves.

Other diving schools:

Up & Down DivingUp & Down
The diving school in Castelnuovo del Garda offers courses as well as guided dives, equipment rental and boat rental.
Tel: +39 333 26 96 686

Suitable accommodations
Il SOGNO al Lago di Garda  |  Torri del Benaco
Luxury Apartment