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Riding stables at Lake Garda

Here, horse lovers can find a list of the most essential riding hot spots at Lake Garda. The addresses have a short description of the riding stable or the riding arena.

Circolo Ippico Gardesano
Via Paolonga 1, I-37010 Sandrà, Castelnuovo del Garda (VR)
Tel.: +39 3471203991

Short description: The Circolo Ippico Gardesano is near Castelnuovo del Garda and has a large riding school with lessons, rides and a private pony club. They also offer therapeutic riding for mentally and physically disabled children.

Club Ippico S. Giorgio
Loc. S.Giorgio, I-38062 Arco (TN)
Tel.: +39 046 4556
E-mail: info@clubippicosangiorgio.it
Web: www.clubippicosangiorgio.it

Short description: The Club Ippico S. Giorgio is in S. Giorgio village, Arco, and has been awarded several times in tournament riding. In addition to classical lessons, they also offer professional jumping lessons. A unique feature are the children's riding weeks in July and August.

Circolo Ippico La Pampa
Via Capuccini 4, I-25017 Sedena di Lonato (BS)
Tel.: +39 030 9130
Web: www.circoloippicolapampa.it

Short description: If you can’t leave your horse, then this address is the right one for you. At the Circolo Ippico La Pampa there is horse boarding with guest horse boxes, where you can leave your horse in good hands. Please check beforehand by phone if there is a box available. A unique feature is a restaurant with Argentine cuisine.

Centro Equitazione Ai Schinchi
Via C.Battisti Fosse, I-37020 Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo (VR)
Tel.: +39 347 1871
E-mail: info@schinchi.com
Web: www.schinchi.com

Short description: This western equestrian centre is a bit further away from Lake Garda. Here you will find a beautiful landscape in which you can take lovely rides. Again, you can accommodate your horse in guest horse boxes. Be part of a notorious country show where western riders try to tame calves with their horses — a real adventure for young and old.

Ranch Barlot
Località Barlot- Porcino, I-37013 Caprino Veronese (VR)
Tel.: +39 045 726 50
E-mail: info@ranchbarlot.it
Web: www.ranchbarlot.com

Short description: This riding centre at Lake Garda offers Western lessons as well as horseback riding on Quarter Horses and Appaloosa. You can even book multi-day rides with cowboy effect here.

Agriturismo Scuderia Castello
Località Gaino, I-25088 Gaino di Toscolano Maderno (BS)
Tel.: +39 036 5644
E-mail: info@scuderiacastello.it
Web: www.scuderiacastello.it

Short description: Only 3 km from the beach is this horse farm. Lessons and rides are in German, Italian and English. At the Agriturismo, you'll get spoiled with typical products of the region and genuine Italian hospitality.

Cavalli & Carrozze
Via Portici 12, I-38074 Dro (TN)
Tel.: +39 3477 904
E-mail: info@cavalliecarrozze.it
Web: www.cavalliecarrozze.it

Short description: Here you can enjoy a real carriage ride. Signor Mario also offers carriage rides for children.

Suitable accommodations
Il SOGNO al Lago di Garda  |  Torri del Benaco
Luxury Apartment